Next generation
password manager

Leading the way in password management technology, security, and innovation

Get RoboForm Premium
30-day money-back guarantee
Password Manager across different platforms, systems and devices

See how RoboForm simplifies your online experience

Stay secure and save time with our seamless password manager and form filling solution

Password Manager To Create Stronger Passwords Form filling with one click Compromised passwords alert

See how RoboForm simplifies your online experience

Stay secure and save time with our seamless password manager and form filling solution.

  • Password Manager To Create Stronger Passwords

    Generate and save passwords

    Create strong and unique passwords for each site. RoboForm captures them automatically.

  • Form filling with one click

    One click Logins and form filling

    No more typing. RoboForm quickly logs you in to websites and fills online forms with a single click.

  • Compromised passwords alert

    Scan for compromised passwords

    RoboForm informs you when one of your passwords has appeared in a documented breach.

  • Share passwords securely with cross-platform password management

    Secure Sharing

    Securely share passwords with trusted contacts without the risk of exposing sensitive data.

PWC Logo Blackboard Logo Ernst and Young Logo PWC Logo Celanese Logo

RoboForm Authenticator

Add verification codes to RoboForm Authenticator via QR scan, adding a key, or import from other authenticator apps. Accessible on all RoboForm devices, six-digit codes can be auto-filled into log in forms with a single click.

Passkey Support

Passkey Support

Passkeys are a new way to securely log in to websites without using passwords. With RoboForm, you can now save and use passkeys across all your devices.

RoboForm Premium Includes:

Unlimited password storage
Access on all browsers and devices
Cloud backup
Auto Fill any web form
Powerful password generator
AES 256 encryption
Weak/compromised password alerts ? RoboForm securely scans for weak, duplicate, or compromised passwords and alerts you if any are found in documented breaches.
2FA access to RoboForm ? Secure your RoboForm account with a second factor: OTP via email/SMS, or TOTP-based 2FA.
Use RoboForm as a TOTP authenticator
Securely share items and folders ? Share passwords securely in folders or individually, assigning access levels based on user needs.
Grant/receive Emergency Access
Offline access
Web access
Windows application logins
Local only mode ? Your RoboForm data, along with backups, will be stored on your device only and not synced with our servers.
Encrypted text notes
Manage bookmarks
Easy password Import/Export ? Easily import your passwords saved in your browser, from another password manager, or via CSV. Export your data at any time.
Priority 24/7 Support
Get RoboForm Premium
30-day money-back guarantee

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4.7 Rating
35.1K Reviews
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4.5 Rating
27.3K Reviews
Chrome Store
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2.8K Reviews
Edge Store
4.7 Rating
565 Reviews
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