Coffee Recipes From Around the World


Bryan Huynh

on March 21, 2025

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For many people, having that first cup of coffee in the morning is essential and worldwide, over 1 billion people drink coffee each day. 

Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia, and ever since Kaldi (the Ethiopian goatherd that noticed his goats enjoying the coffee cherries) made this discovery known, it’s been spread all around the world through colonization and trade.

From Europe to Asia to Africa to the Americas, people have found unique and delicious ways to enjoy this fragrant beverage. Check out our Coffee Clubs page to compare and read reviews of our favorite coffee clubs! Here are some of the unique recipes found around the world


Little known fact -- Vietnam is the world’s second-largest coffee exporter after Brazil. But unlike many coffee-exporting countries, Vietnamese coffee consists mostly of Robusta beans -- around 97%. These beans are known for their bitter, bold, and earthy flavor -- and also a high amount of caffeine. While Robusta beans have typically been mass-produced and used to make inexpensive coffee such as instant coffee and supermarket blends.

However, Vietnamese coffee takes these beans and creates something incredibly sweet. 

Ca Phe Sua Da

Ca Phe Da is probably the coffee that comes to mind when you think about Vietnamese iced coffee.

You will need: 

  • Robusta coffee
  • 1 -2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
  • Ice
  • Vietnamese phin (a small filter for brewing)
  1. Brew robusta coffee in a phin coffee filter over a glass containing sweetened condensed milk (a common addition to Vietnamese coffee.
  2. Add ice and enjoy!

Ca Phe Trung

Ca phe trung is also called Vietnamese egg coffee, and despite its unusual name, it tastes fantastic. It’s essentially the coffee version of a chocolatey Cadbury. 

While its exact origins are unknown, it’s believed that this drink was created when dairy products were difficult to find, and instead uses whipped egg yolks to make the creamy coffee. 

You will need: 

  • 1 egg
  • 3 teaspoons Vietnamese Robusta coffee powder
  • 2 teaspoons sweetened condensed milk
  • Phin
  1. Use the phin to brew a strong cup of coffee.
  2. Separate the egg yolk from the whites (use these for another dish) and whip the yolk with the sweetened condensed milk until it is completely frothed.
  3. Separate some of the egg yolk foam into another bowl, then keep mixing while adding a tablespoon of brewed coffee.
  4. Add the remaining egg yolk foam on the coffee as the finishing touch. 


Türk Kahvesi

Traditional Turkish coffee is famous around the world, and this drink is more about the unique preparation than the recipe. 

You will need: 

  • 1 tablespoon of very finely ground Arabica beans
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1 cardamom pod
  • 1 - 2 teaspoons white sugar
  • 2 demitasse cups (or cups of your choice)
  • An ibrik or cezve, a small brass or copper pot that is traditionally used for boiling Turkish coffee. A small saucepan works just as well if you don’t have an ibrik. 
  1. Add the sugar and water to the ibrik and bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove it from the heat and add the coffee and cardamom.
  3. Put the ibrik back on and let it come to a boil a second time.
  4. Remove it from the heat once the coffee foams, and repeat this process again (this brewing method creates a foamy surface, so be sure not to stir it).
  5. Pour the coffee into the cups and let it sit for a few minutes for the grounds to settle into the bottom of the cup. 

United States

Coffee grew in popularity in the US partially due to the American Revolution when anything British was avoided, and after tea became unpopular due to the Boston Tea Party, coffee took its place.

Over time, coffee drinking would rise and the first company to mass produce coffee (The Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills) was founded. Today, that company is now known by Folgers Coffee.

Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof coffee grew in popularity due to its marketing as a healthy, energy-boosting version of coffee made from coffee, butter, and “Brain Octane Oil,” or a medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil.  

You will need: 

  • 1 cup brewed coffee, preferably from 2 ½ tablespoons of Bulletproof coffee beans
  • 1 tablespoon grass-fed, unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons Brain Octane oil or an MCT oil (like coconut oil)
  • Blender
  1. Blend all the ingredients for around 30 seconds until you have a creamy consistency. Experiment with different amounts of MCT oil (and start low) until you find your desired ratio. 


Sweden loves its coffee, and Swedes are the second-highest coffee consumers in the world (right after Finland), and drink an average of 3.2 cups of coffee a day. In fact, coffee is so important to Swedish culture that the custom of fika -- aka “a break for coffee and cake” -- is an essential part of their day. 

Fun fact: coffee was outlawed in Sweden in 1746 by a royal edict due to “the misuse and excesses of tea and coffee drinking.” Luckily, Sweden lifted this ban and now it’s enjoyed by many. 


The literal translation of kaffeost means “coffee cheese,” and it’s exactly that -- coffee poured over cheese -- specifically, Leipäjuusto cheese, also called Finnish squeaky cheese in the US. The cheese doesn’t completely melt, but instead softens and absorbs the flavor of the coffee. 

This beverage is also served in Finland, except the cheese is typically served on the side instead of put directly in the coffee.

While you can buy Leipäjuusto, we’ll include a recipe for making it from scratch. 

You will need: 

  • Cheese
  • Thermometer
  • Cheesecloth
  • Large pot
  • Strainer
  • Cake pan or pie plate
  • 2 liters whole milk
  • 60 milliliters heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons rennet
  • 1 cup black drip coffee or black coffee from a French press
  1. Mix the milk and heavy cream in a large pot and heat to 99 °F, then remove the pot from the heat and add the rennet. 
  2. Stir the mixture and let it sit for an hour to form curds, then reheat it to 99 °F while moving the curds to the center of the pot. Heat the mixture until it is just under a boil. 
  3. Line the strainer with the cheese cloth and pour the curds into the cheesecloth, then fold the cloth around them and push it to get rid of the excess water. Place a heavy weight on top of the curds (while they are still wrapped) and let it sit and drain for another few hours until it is solid.
  4. Put the cheese in a cake pan or pie plate and bake it at 350 °F until it is golden brown. 
  5. Once the cheese is done, you’re ready to enjoy kaffeost. Just slice the cheese into cubes and add it to your freshly brewed black coffee, then savor the cheese-infused coffee and the coffee-infused cheese. 

Scandinavian Egg Coffee

Scandinavian egg coffee is the result of a brewing method that came out of Norway and Sweden (it’s also popular in parts of the American Midwest), in which coffee grounds are mixed with a raw egg before it’s added to boiling water. Supposedly, the egg whites break down in hot water and release proteins that bind to bitter impurities in coffee, which results in coffee with a golden color and smooth body. 

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon coarse ground coffee
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup ice water
  • Cup
  • Small pot
  • Strainer
  1. Crack the egg into the cup (you can even add the shells if you want) and combine it with the coffee grounds and 2 tablespoons of ice water. Stir the mixture well. 
  2. Boil the cup of water and add the coffee ground mixture, and allow it to boil for 5 minutes. 
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the rest of the ice water, which causes the solids to sink to the bottom. 
  4. Serve the coffee that remains at the top of the pot and use a strainer to separate any clumps before you serve. 


Coffee first appeared in Germany around 1670, and the first coffeehouses opened in 1679 - 1680 in Bremen, Hamburg, and Hanover. Ever since then, coffee is king in Germany, and is the most enjoyed beverage -- even before beer. 


Eiskaffee, or coffee with ice cream, is a sweet treat enjoyed in many cafes in Germany.

You will need:

  • 2 cups coffee, chilled
  • 1/4 cup of evaporated milk
  • 2-3 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
  • Whipped cream
  1. Mix coffee, evaporated milk, and sugar in a bowl until the sugar dissolves completely. Chill well.
  2. Scoop 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream to the bottom of each glass, then pour the chilled coffee mixture over it and top it with whipped cream.


Coffee was introduced to Greece during the Ottoman empire, and the first coffee shop opened around 1475 in what was then Constantinople (now Istanbul). 

Greece is home to many local cafes that come in one of two forms: 

  1. Kafetaria: a popular hangout place for younger individuals that sometimes double as a bar at night, with outdoor seating in the warmer months of spring and summer. A kafetaria will serve coffee along with other drinks and snacks. 
  2. Kafeneio: a traditional cafe that has been around for years and is typically used as a spot for the elderly men of the village to meet, although everyone is welcome. 

No matter what kind of cafe you choose, you can look forward to enjoying the coffee, as Greek coffees are delicious and come in many different types. Traditional Greek coffee is basically Turkish coffee since it dates back to when Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire, and it hasn’t changed much since. 

This rich coffee, called Ellinikos Cafes, is made from roasted coffee beans ground into a fine powder and added to cold water in a special pot (called briki) before heating on low to medium heat, revealing a thick coffee with foam on top (called kaimaki). Be sure to only stir the coffee at the beginning to not disturb the creamy foam and grounds, and serve in demitasse cups with a tall glass of cold water on the side. The grounds remain in the cup, so you’ll need to wait until they sink to the bottom and have some excellent conversation in the meantime. 

Depending on your preferences, you may want to add sugar to your coffee. Greeks specify their coffee with the following: 

  • Sketos: No sugar
  • Me oligi: ½ teaspoon of sugar
  • Metrios: 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • Glykos: 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Variglykos: 2+ teaspoons of sugar

Until recently, this was the primary coffee consumed and although it still remains popular, the frappe is just as popular. 


Frappe is a chilled drink made with foamed milk and instant coffee that is especially sought-after during hot days. It was created in 1957 (accidentally) by Dimitris Vakondios when he blended coffee with cold water (when he couldn’t find any hot water) and ice cubes in a shaker. Its popularity boomed in the 60s and 70s, becoming the top coffee choice in the 80s in Athens, and is available in nearly every Greek cafe-- and even in Cyrprus -- today. 

While there are many variations of the frappe now, we’re going to stick to the standard recipe. 

You will need: 

  • 2 teaspoons instant coffee
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (or to taste)
  • ⅔ cups cold water
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • Ice cubes
  • Mixer or blender
  • Straw
  • Drinking glass
  1. Add instant coffee, sugar, and 2-3 tablespoons of cold water.
  2. Blend the mixture (or shake it) until a thick foam is formed.
  3. Pour it into a glass and add the ice cubes and milk (if desired), then fill the rest of it with cold water and serve it with a straw. 


Coffee arrived in Mexico in the late 18th century in Veracruz, when the Spanish brought coffee plants from Cuba and the Domincan Republic, and cultivation started a few decades later. 

Today, Mexico is one of the top coffee producers in the world, producing mostly Arabica coffee, with Robusta only making up 3-4%. 90% of Mexican coffee (especially organic coffee) is grown by small farmers in the southern states of Mexico, particularly in Chipas, Oaxaca, Veracruz, and Puebla.

Cafe de Olla

Cafe de Olla (literally “pot coffee” since it’s brewed in a clay pot) is a spiced coffee enjoyed in rural areas with colder climates. It’s a black coffee flavored by piloncillo (traditional unrefined cane sugar) and cinnamon, and sometimes even spiced with allspice, black peppercorns, cloves, and orange peel. 

You will need: 

  • 8 cups cold water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 piloncillo cones or ⅓ cup dark brown sugar
  • 8 tablespoons coarsely ground Mexican coffee
  • Saucepan
  • Ladle

Optional ingredients: 

  • 1 clove
  • 2 allspice berries
  • 3 black peppercorns
  • 4 orange peel strips
  1. Add water, cinnamon, and the piloncillo cones (or dark brown sugar) to the saucepan.
  2. Add optional ingredients if desired.
  3. Boil the mixture until the sugar dissolves, then remove it from the heat and add coffee grounds.
  4. Steep for 8-10 minutes, then ladle the liquid into cups and serve. 


Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee so coffee culture here runs deep. The legend goes that around the year 850, in what was called Kaffa in the southwestern area of Ethiopia (which is where coffee got its name), a goatherd named Kaldi noticed his goats acting differently while eating a certain plant. Since then, Kaldi’s name has been used in coffee chains around the country. 

A local proverb in Ethiopia translates to “coffee is our bread” and that is certainly true: it’s one of the top coffee producers in the world (along with having some of the top coffee consumers), and has been exporting to other countries since the 15th century. Most of the coffee produced is the high-quality Arabica coffee, but there are 6,000-10,000 varieties of coffee. 

Coffee ceremonies are a traditional Ethiopian ceremony in which coffee beans are roasted in a pan, ground, brewed, and then served to family, friends, and guests. It’s an essential part of Ethiopian culture. Here’s how you can enjoy Ethiopian coffee. 

Ethiopian Coffee

You will need: 

  • 2 cups water
  • ⅔ cups coffee (Ethiopian unroasted beans)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

Optional ingredients: 

  • 1 tablespoon salt, butter, or honey
  • Coffee grinder, or mortar and pestle
  • Roasting pan
  • Jebena (a clay coffee pot), or a stovetop substitute for a coffee pot (such as a percolator)
  1. Wash the unroasted beans in water three times.
  2. Place the beans on a coffee pan and begin roasting on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Be sure to stir the beans regularly to make sure that they don’t burn and become bitter. 
  3. Once the beans have turned a dark golden brown, remove them from the heat and let it cool at room temperature for about 5 minutes. 
  4. Grind the beans and add it to the jebena along with 2 cups of water. Heat the jebena on medium heat for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat as the coffee rises above the top of the jebena. 
  5. Leave the jebena slanted so the coffee grounds settle at the bottom, then pour into cups and add sugar. In some parts of Ethiopia, salt, butter, or honey is added instead. 


The story goes that coffee was introduced during the Siege of Vienna in 1683, when Austrians were able to fend off the Turkish invaders who left behind bags of coffee, which introduced the drink to the city. 

Viennese coffee houses (“das Wiener Kaffeehaus” in German) are a staple of Austrian coffee culture. Two of the most popular include Wiener Mélange and the Einspänner. We will look at both of these delectable drinks below. 

Wiener Mélange

The wiener mélange is an espresso drink topped off with steamed milk and foam, and sometimes even cocoa powder and whipped cream. 

You will need: 

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 50 milliliters skim milk
  • 1 teaspoon raw sugar

Optional ingredients: 

  • ⅓ tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Whipped cream
  1. Heat the milk, sugar, and cocoa, then add it to the coffee.
  2. Blend it and add whipped cream and cocoa powder if desired.

The Einspänner

The Einspänner is a single or double espresso topped with whipped cream. The name comes from the German word for a single-horse carriage driven with one hand while the other is free to drink coffee, and the whipped cream insulates the coffee, allowing the carriage drivers more time to drink the espresso before it cools. 

You will need: 

  • A double shot espresso
  • Sugar, to taste
  • 100 milliliters whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Whisk or hand-mixer
  • Chilled bowl

Optional ingredients:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Chocolate shavings

Use the mixer to whip the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla in the chilled bowl until it is completely whipped. 

Mix the espresso and sugar in a glass and then top it off with the whipped cream (and cocoa powder or chocolate shavings if desired). 


It’s believed that coffee arrive in Brazil in 1727 from French Guiana after Portuguese Lt. Col Francisco del Melo Palheta smuggled them across the border to Para, in the north of Brazil. Eventually coffee spread south to Rio de Janeiro in 1770. 

Since then, coffee has become an essential part of Brazilian culture and today, Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world, making up over 30% of international production. The large production is due to the large area with excellent coffee-growing climate. It grows two types of coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta. In many countries, Arabica beans are processed using the wet process (or washed coffee), but Brazil uses the dry process (also called unwashed or natural coffee). 


Cafezinho (“little coffee” in Portuguese) is a sweet, strong coffee drink that is traditionally offered to guests as a sign of hospitality before engaging in good conversation. 

Cafezinho is more concentrated than espresso due to being brewed by a special cloth flannel filter, and it’s extremely sweet due to sugar being added early in the process. It’s usually served without milk or cream, and is just as delicious without it. 

You will need: 

  • ¾ cups cold water
  • 1 tablespoon espresso-ground coffee beans, preferably from Brazil
  • 1 teaspoon sugar, or to taste
  • Cafezinho flannel filter, or paper filter as a substitute
  • Saucepan
  • Cafezinho cup, or espresso cup
  1. Add the water and sugar to the saucepan and heat it just below boiling, then add the coffee grounds. 
  2. Remove it from the heat and stir, then pour it into the filter over your cup and wait for it to drip through. 


When you think of coffee -- especially espresso -- you probably think of Italy. After all, coffee has a long history in Italy, and Venice was one of the first European ports to import coffee beans -- specifically, in 1580 Venetian botanist and physician Prospero Alpini imported coffee into the Republic of Venice from Egypt, which eventually led to the spread of coffee around Italy. 

Coffee was initially sold in pharmacies and only available to the rich, but eventually the popularity grew so high that by 1763, there were 218 coffee shops in Venice, and it spread even more, becoming a place where friends would meet to socialize. 

 Espresso is basically synonymous with Italian coffee at this point. It originated in the late 1800s to early 1900s, and the name comes from the word esprimere, which means “to press out” or “to express.” It’s made with ⅓ espresso, ⅓ steamed milk, and ⅓ foam. 

 And thanks to espresso, there is another type of drink we can enjoy: the affogato. 


 The affogato is a delicious blend of espresso and another famous Italian treat -- gelato. “Affogato” means drowned, which refers to the espresso being poured over the gelato. There are even variations of it in which a shot of liqueur (such as amaretto or Bicerin).

 You will need: 

  • One scoop gelato, vanilla or fior de latte flavor
  • One double shot espresso
  • Chilled bowl


  • Liqueur of preference
  • Whipped cream
  • Berries
  • Crumbled biscotti
  • Crushed nuts
  1. Put a scoop of gelato in the chilled bowl (so it doesn’t melt quickly) and pour espresso over the gelato.
  2. Add any additional toppings you desire. 

Espresso Romano

An espresso romano involves combining lemon and espresso by sliding a lemon slice around the edge of a cup and serving it with a peel of lemon zest. It’s believed that this drink was created in World War II when water was difficult to find and lemon juice was used for disinfecting, but others believe it was often used as a remedy for headaches.

While this combination may seem strange, lemon can bring out the flavor of the espresso. 

You will need: 

  • Single or double shot espresso
  • Slice of lemon
  • One lemon peel strip
  • Warmed espresso cup
  1. Pour the single or double espresso shot into the espresso cup and rub the slice of lemon around the top of the glass (avoid mixing the lemon and espresso so the crema does not dissipate).
  2. Serve with the lemon peel on the side. 


We’ve talked briefly about Sweden’s history of coffee, but other Scandinavian countries value the beverage as well. Norway was first introduced to coffee in 1694, and it didn’t gain traction until the 18th century. 

One of the drinks that came from Scandinavian culture -- specifically Sweden and Norway -- is Scandinavian egg coffee. 

Pharisäer Kaffee

Pharisäer kaffee is rum-infused German coffee with whipped cream. It’s origins are believed to be the result of parishioners at a church spiking their coffee with rum to keep the scent of alcohol from reaching their pastor (who strongly disapproved of the drink). 

You will need: 

  • 2-4 ounces strong brewed coffee
  • Sugar, to taste
  • 1 ½ ounces Jamaican rum
  • 100 milliliters whipping cream
  • Tall glass (preferably a tumbler)


  • Electric mixer
  1. Pour the coffee, sugar, and rum into a glass and stir. 
  2. Beat the whipping cream with a mixer or by hand, until the cream has become stiff, then top the coffee with the whipped cream. 

Hong Kong

Coffee arrived in Hong Kong in the 1950s, due to being a British colony, and the amalgamation of both cultures resulted in Hong Kong’s coffee culture (cha chaan teng), or the tea restaurant. 


Yeunyeung (Cantonese), or yuanyang (in Mandarin), is a popular drink in Hong Kong and beyond (in Malaysia, it’s known as kopi cham, from the Hokkien word cham, meaning “mix”). It's a blend of coffee in tea (typically three parts coffee and seven parts Hong Kong-style milk tea), and can be served hot or cold. 

You will need: 

  • 1 cup strong brewed coffee
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons black tea leaves, preferably a caffeine-heavy tea such as Ceylon or Assam tea
  • 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
  • Small saucepan
  • Strainer
  1. Brew the milk tea by adding water and tea leaves into the saucepan and bringing it to a boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer for three minutes.
  2. Remove it from the heat, add the sweetened condensed milk, and put it back on the heat to simmer for another three minutes before straining out the tea leaves. 
  3. Combine 1 cup of milk tea with the coffee and mix -- you can also experiment with the ratio if you wish. 
  4. Serve yeunyeung hot or cold, by chilling it and pouring it over ice. 


An important part of Senegalese culture is hospitality, and Cafe Touba is one way in which it can be shown. 

Cafe Touba

Cafe Touba was brought to Senegal by Sufi religious leader Sheikh Amadou Bamba in the early 20th century, and the drink is named after the holy city of Touba (which means happiness in Arabic). It’s often served at homes and found at street food kiosks (called tangana), and is traditionally considered to have medicinal properties. 

Touba uses Arabica coffee that is infused with cloves and grains of selim (Guinean pepper), and typically served with sugar. 

You will need: 

  • 1 tablespoon Arabica coffee beans
  • ½ teaspoon selim pepper grains
  • 1 cup cold water
  • Small saucepan
  • Coffee grinder
  • Single cup pour over coffee maker with the filter
  1. Heat the saucepan on medium heat with the selim pepper grains for a few minutes until they are roasted (but not until they are burnt). 
  2. Put the roasted grains with the coffee beans into a grinder to get a coarse grind, then put the grounds and cold water in the saucepan and boil.
  3. Let it simmer for 5 minutes and then pour the mixture into the pour over coffee maker before serving. 


Argentinian coffee is heavily influenced by Italian immigrants (many Argentinians have Italian heritage), so you’ll find espresso and other Italian-style coffees with regional influences. Argentinian coffee also includes both Arabica beans and Robusta beans. 

Cafe Lagrima

Cafe Lagrima (or “coffee tear”) is an espresso cup filled with warm milk and a small amount of coffee (teardrop amounts, hence the name). 

You will need: 

  • ½ shot of espresso
  • 200 milliliters of 2% or whole milk
  • Small saucepan
  1. Warm the milk in the saucepan.
  2. Pour into a mug and add the espresso. 


Australia’s coffee history began after World War II, when Italian immigrants brought their love for coffee (especially espresso) with them. 

The Flat White

Australia and New Zealand both fight for the origin of the flat white (sometimes called a wet cappuccino), but it was first documented in Sydney in 1985, and has since spread around the world. 

The flat white is a double shot of espresso with steamed milk microfoam, which allows you to taste more of the coffee. 

You will need: 

  • A double shot espresso
  • 4 ounces milk
  • Heated mug
  • Espresso machine with a steam wand
  • Pitcher to steam the milk
  1. Heat your mug with hot water (to keep the espresso from cooling too quickly).
  2. Pour in the double shot of espresso.
  3. Add the milk to the pitcher and froth it with the steam wand, using a spoon to fold the microbubbles to the bottom of the pitcher, which creates the distinct texture of a flat white. 
  4. Pour the steamed milk in the center of the espresso (if you want to make latte art, you can do that too!) and enjoy. 


Coffee arrived in Indonesia in the late 1600s due to Dutch colonists and traders who brought coffee seeds from Yemen, most likely by smuggling. Java was the first island to grow coffee and today Indonesia is one of the world’s top coffee producers. 

Indonesian coffee is marked by its unique qualities (earthy flavors and velvety finish) due to being grown in volcanic ash. 

Unlike many other coffee producing countries, Indonesia favors Robusta beans over Arabica (although it produces both) and processes coffee using the fully washed method. 

Kopi Joss

Kopi joss is a charcoal coffee that was invented in Yogyakara in the 1960s by a coffee stall vender named Mr. Man. The story goes that he had a stomach ache and that he added a burning coil to boil the water to help him. Today, there are many individuals that attest to this helping with gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, heartburn, and nausea. 

The name of the drink comes from the sizzling sound that occurs when the coal hits the water. 

You will need: 

  • 1 cup Indonesian coffee
  • Sugar
  • Charcoal (you will also need a BBQ to heat the coal)
  • Cup
  • Spoon
  1. Brew the coffee and fill your cup around ⅔ of the way.
  2. Add a teaspoon or two of sugar. 
  3. Heat the coal, add it into your cup, and let it froth. Wait until it’s cooled down enough so you can drink it. 


Coffee drinking became popular in Europe in the early 17th century, which was around the same time Dublin’s first coffee houses opened. 

Irish Coffee

The first Irish coffee was first invented in 1943 by Joe Sheridan, an airport chef who worked at the Foynes Port near Limerick, who created it on a winter night for passengers who were stranded because of a storm. 

You will need: 

  • 6 ounces drip coffee
  • Brown sugar, to taste
  • Whipped cream (or lightly whipped heavy cream)
  • 1 ½ ounces Irish whiskey
  • Footed glass mug
  • Spoon
  1. Brew the drip coffee then preheat the mug (to keep the coffee from cooling down quickly) and rim it with sugar (if you desire).
  2. Add the coffee and remaining sugar.
  3. Stir in the whiskey and top the drink with the whipped cream. Serve while it’s still warm. 


Portugal got coffee beans in 1727 when a soldier named Francisco de Melo Palheta introduced it to the Portuguese empire, which also included Brazil (where he was stationed), Africa, the Americas, and India. 


Mazagran is a cold, refreshing drink that was supposedly invented in the 1840s when French soldiers created it while stationed at the Mazagran fortress in Algeria. 

You will need: 

  • 3 cups cold brew coffee concentrate
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups freshly squeezed lemonade 
  • Lemons
  • Ice
  • Medium saucepan
  • Large pitcher

Optional ingredients: 

  • Chilled sparkling water
  • Rum 
  1. To make the simple syrup, boil water and sugar in a medium saucepan and stir until the sugar is dissolved and remove it from the heat. 
  2. Stir the cold brew concentrate and lemon juice in a large pitcher and add the preferred amount of simple syrup. Pour into glasses and serve with a slice of lemon. 
  3. You can also add rum and/or sparkling water if desired. 


In the late 17th century, coffee was introduced by an Indian Sufi saint by the name of Baba Budan, who smuggled seven beans from Yemen to India (by strapping them to his chest) after making a pilgrimage to Mecca, as it was illegal to take coffee from Arabia then. Baba Budan discovered the dark, sweet coffee (called Qahwa) from Mocha, a port city in Yemen, and he made his journey to Karnataka, where he planted them. 

In most of India, tea reigns supreme, but coffee is popular in many areas of the country, such as Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. 

South Indian Filter Coffee

South Indian filter coffee is sometimes called mysore coffee, degree coffee, or filter kaapi. It’s a milky and sweet coffee. 

You will need: 

  • Indian coffee filter
  • 3-4 tablespoons of Indian coffee powder
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 cup hot milk


  • Sugar, to taste
  1. Brew the coffee by adding the coffee powder in the top compartment, pressing it with the plunger, and adding the boiling water.
  2. Place the lid over it and wait for 20 minutes for the coffee to percolate, and use this time to boil some milk. 
  3. Add the decoction (the concentrated coffee) and sugar to taste (if desired) to the dabarah and tumbler (or a normal mug), then pour it back and forth to get a froth on top. Top it off with hot milk and serve. 


Spanish monks initially brought coffee to Lipa in 1740 -- and it eventually became the coffee capital in the Philippines. By the 1800s, coffee production had spread across the country and was exported to the US and Europe. 

Interestingly enough, the Philippines has low coffee production and exports despite being one of the world’s largest coffee consuming countries. It’s also one of the world’s largest importers of coffee. 

The Philippines is unique in the fact that it produces all four types of coffee beans: Arabica, Liberica, Robusta, and Excelsa (most of the coffee produced is Robusta). 

Kapeng Barako

This isn’t a specific recipe but it’s important to highlight. Kapeng barako (“male stud bull” or “wild boar” in Tagalog) is a coffee made from Liberica beans. It’s served black -- sometimes with sugar -- and outside of the Philippines, you can find it at specialty Asian markets.

About the Author

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.