How to Make the Perfect Cup of Mushroom Coffee: Brewing Tips & Tricks


Ru Chen

on March 21, 2025

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Key Takeaways

  • The mushroom choice affects taste and health benefits 
  • The brewing method affects taste and brewing speed
  • Proper extraction and ingredients can improve mushroom coffee

Brewing the perfect cup of mushroom coffee is an art. How do you pick the mushroom, extract it, and brew it? All your choices can greatly impact the flavor and potency of the mushroom coffee. 

In this guide, we go over tips and tricks on brewing mushroom coffee to maximize its health benefits and optimize its flavor. 

Choosing the Right Mushroom Coffee

Each mushroom affects your brew differently. Let’s go over how the most popular mushrooms can impact your coffee. 

Lion’s Mane  

Lion’s Mane is a white, fluffy mushroom with many potential health benefits. They taste the mildest out of all mushrooms, which means it is the ideal shroom for most first-time mushroom coffee drinkers. It’s easy to blend into coffee and is the most popular mushroom coffee option. 

Research shows that Lion’s Mane mushrooms can:


The Chaga is a dark mushroom that mainly grows on birch trees. It gives woodsy and earthy, which complements dark roasts well. 

The Chaga mushroom is most commonly consumed for its immune support properties because it is: 

  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • Antiviral
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Potentially antitumor

By drinking Chaga mushroom coffee, you can reduce the oxidative stress in your body. A good balance can help improve your overall health and strengthen your immune system. If there is an imbalance between your oxidative stress and antioxidants, it can increase your chances of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer by causing tissue and cell damage. 


The Reishi is a kidney-shaped mushroom with a wide range of medicinal properties. It can have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing effects. It tastes slightly bitter. Some people also detect an umami savoriness when drinking Reishi coffee. 

Researchers are currently looking into how the Reishi mushroom can help treat metabolic disorders, as Reishi may be able to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. However, your mileage may vary. 

Note: Reishi is not recommended for frequent consumption. It serves more as a health boost on occasion and is not meant for daily brew.

Cordyceps (energy & endurance)

The Cordyceps mushroom is a long, orange fungus that has been used to help with heart health and energy boosts. The mushroom has a faintly sweet and nutty taste, which can add a nice complexity to lighter roasts. 

Instant vs. ground vs. whole mushroom blends

Instant mushroom coffee is convenient but not necessarily of high quality. You can enjoy it within minutes. 

Ground mushroom coffee is just like regular coffee grounds. You will have to brew it still, which requires a coffee maker.  

Regardless of what type of mushroom coffee you prefer, double check that the brand is high quality before buying. Low quality mushroom blends from unreputable vendors often include grains and other coffee fillers that worsen the taste and quality of the mushroom coffee.  

Pre-mixed vs. DIY mushroom powder blends

Pre-mixed blends are a great way to source your mushroom coffee. They often include ingredients to enhance the mushroom coffee’s energizing or health-beneficial qualities. 

DIY mushroom powders let you customize the strength of the coffee by easily manipulating the ratio of mushroom to water. 

If you want to create your own mushroom powder, the ingredients used must be safe to consume. After all, many mushrooms are poisonous to humans. Because of this, we generally don’t recommend picking your own mushrooms from the wild.  

Mushroom Coffee Brewing Methods 

Many mushroom coffee fans find the French press the best method for brewing mushroom coffee. The French press uses immersion brewing, which lets us extract more of the beneficial compounds from the mushrooms. Ultimately, the best method depends on what equipment you already have on hand and your brewing preferences.

Instant Mushroom Coffee 

Even with instant mushroom coffee there are best practices. A hot water temperature of around 200°F (93°C) is considered best for brewing coffee. We don’t want water that is actively boiling since that would reduce the amount of nutrients in the mushroom coffee blend. 

Drip Coffee Maker Method

If you’re a fan of the traditional coffee making method, here’s how to make mushroom coffee with a drip coffee maker. 

What you’ll need: 

  • Ground mushroom coffee 
  • Drip coffee maker with paper filters 
  • Filtered water 
  • Milk/creamer or alternatives 


  1. Measure 1-2 tbsp of ground mushroom coffee per 6 oz water 
  2. Put a filter in the basket to filter out particles that might affect the flavor 
  3. Add mushroom coffee grounds into the filter  
  4. Fill the drip coffee maker with water. Filtered water is optional but it helps preserve the mushroom coffee taste 
  5. Turn on the coffee maker for 5-10 minutes 
  6. Enjoy your drip made mushroom coffee

A medium grind size is usually good for mushroom coffee since it helps avoid under- or over-extraction. 

French Press Method 

The French Press lets you use a plunger to create rich and full-bodied coffee. Let’s go over step by step how to brew mushroom coffee using the French press method. 

What you’ll need: 

  • Pre-ground mushroom coffee
  • Filtered water
  • Kettle (ideally with temperature control) 
  • Spoon and mug 


  1. Measure 4-5 ounces of coffee for a standard French press 
  2. Boil water and wait for it to cool to 200°F (93°C) for better mushroom coffee extraction
  3. Pre-warm the French press by swirling some warm water in it before pouring it out 
  4. Add coffee grounds 
  5. Pour half of the hot water over coffee grounds in a slow, circular motion. Wait 30 seconds 
  6. Add the remaining water
  7. Using the spoon, stir gently until everything is evenly blended 
  8. Place lid on and steep for 5-7 minutes. Longer steep = greater mushroom flavor 
  9. Press plunger down to get an aromatic cup of mushroom coffee

Pour-Over Method 

The pour over method is good for a clean, balanced brew. While freshly roasted beans are typically recommended for pour over coffee, you can also use pre-ground mushroom coffee blends. 

Here’s how to make mushroom coffee using the pour over method. 

What you’ll need: 

  • Pre-ground mushroom coffee 
  • Pour over coffee machine 
  • Gooseneck kettle
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Filtered water


  1. Boil water to 200°F (93°C) 
  2. Use a coffee to water ratio of 1:16 
  3. Add filter into the dripper 
  4. Place ground mushroom coffee into the filter so it’s ready for extraction 
  5. Pour double the weight of the coffee’s worth of hot water over and wait 30-45 seconds 
  6. Pour remaining water 
  7. Remove the dripper once all water has passed through. Enjoy the freshly brewed mushroom coffee

Espresso Machine Method 

Espresso machines are good for mushroom lattes and other specialty drinks. Here is how to make a mushroom latte. 

What you’ll need: 

  • 1 tsp mushroom blend  
  • 1 shot of espresso 
  • 1 cup of milk/milk alternative 
  • A small bowl 
  • Mug


  1. Brew the espresso into a mug as you usually would 
  2. Combine mushroom powder with a little bit of espresso in the bowl. Mix until it becomes a smooth paste that can blend easily with the rest of the espresso and milk 
  3. Use your steam wand to froth the milk until it becomes velvety and creamy 
  4. Stir mushroom mixture into the mug with the espresso 
  5. Slowly pour steamed milk into the mug to layer the latte 
  6. Add sweeteners or garnish as desired 

When using milk alternatives with a mushroom latte, try to choose one that can sustain a creamy texture. This is particularly essential if you want to create latte art with mushroom coffee. 

Enhancing Your Mushroom Coffee Experience

Best sweeteners to use 

If you love sweet coffee, you’ll want to know what is the best sweetener for mushroom coffee. 

Natural sweeteners for mushroom coffee:

  • Honey
  • Agave nectar
  • Monk fruit sweetener   
  • Maple syrup 

Artificial sweeteners for mushroom coffee: 

  • Sugar substitutes (e.g. Splenda) 
  • Stevia (zero calories) 

It is generally healthier to use natural sweeteners unless they pose an allergy or health risk to an individual. We like Manuka honey since it’s good for the immune and digestive systems while being delicious.  

Milk and cream alternatives 

Lactose intolerant or otherwise not a fan of milk? Don’t worry. Entire grocery aisles can be filled with milk and coffee creamer alternatives.

Plant-based milks like almond milk have a slightly nutty flavor. It has a thin texture and a unique taste, which can lighten the mushroom coffee bitterness. 

Soy milk has a higher protein content. Since mushroom coffee is generally lower acidity than normal coffee, it can prevent your soy milk from curdling. 

Coconut milk is a sweet and trendy milk alternative. The creamy taste goes well with iced mushroom coffee.  

Adding healthy ingredients and superfoods 

Mushroom coffee is rich in antioxidants, but why stop there? Many brands have added other ingredients to make the mushroom coffee blend a superfood blend. 

Collagen: Added to support skin, hair, and nail health. 

Raw cocoa: Cocoa powder can promote better mood while adding a rich chocolate flavor. Great for a mushroom mocha. 

MCT oil: Can help support brain health and energy. Bulletproof Coffee is a special drink that contains butter and MCT oil, but it’s not for everyone. 

Cinnamon: Can help with balancing blood sugar levels. You can sprinkle it into your mushroom coffee blend before brewing. 

Turmeric: A famously anti-inflammatory ingredient that’s great for the immune system. Add a small pinch for a sharp flavor and healthy boost. Just make sure you’re buying good quality turmeric that doesn’t have harmful additives. 

Ginger: Another anti-inflammatory ingredient that can help with better digestive health. Pairs well with mushroom coffee if you can get used to the ginger taste.  

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are the top mistakes that people make when brewing mushroom coffee. 

Using water that is too hot 

It’s generally recommended to use freshly boiled water that has cooled somewhat for brewing coffee. For example, the ideal pour over coffee extraction is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit (90 to 96 Celsius). Personally, I set my gooseneck kettle at 93°C to avoid destroying beneficial compounds within the coffee grounds. 

Oversteeping or under-extracting the coffee

Mushroom coffee, like mushroom tea, doesn’t do well if you fail to extract the coffee properly. Follow any instructions on your mushroom coffee blend’s containers to see what the official recommendations are. 

Choosing the wrong mushroom blend for your needs

The mushroom you choose makes a difference. If it’s your first time drinking mushroom coffee, it’s usually better to try a shroom of milder taste, like Lion’s Mane or Chaga. 

Some mushrooms can bring great health benefits, others only alter the taste and caffeine content. It's a good idea to research the types of mushrooms before brewing them into your coffee. 

We recommend the best mushroom subscription boxes for you to brew fantastic mushroom coffee. These brands source high quality mushrooms.  

Adding too many ingredients 

Creamers, cinnamon extract, chocolate powder, and other ingredients are great for balancing the flavor of mushroom coffee. However, you can end up losing the earthy uniqueness of mushroom coffee. We recommend trying out the natural flavor of mushroom coffee first to see whether it works for you. 


Certain mushrooms, like Reishi, are not meant to be consumed every day. Excessive consumption can lead to stomach pain, nausea, and other issues. In addition, if you have any underlying health conditions like kidney disease, it is important to check with your doctor as to whether you can drink mushroom coffee often.  

Final Thoughts & Best Practices

Take a moment to consider what kind of mushroom coffee you want: sweet or earthy? Thick or thin? Convenient or elevated? Once you know your preferences, you can start brewing the perfect cup of mushroom coffee. 

Here are general brewing tips and tricks for mushroom coffee:

  • Use 200°F (93°C) hot water so preserve the healthy compounds in mushroom coffee
  • Add natural sweeteners if you want to reduce the earthy taste 
  • Lion’s Mane for focus + mild mushroom taste, Chaga for immunity enhancement
  • Occassional cup of Reishi for stress reduction and Cordyceps for health and energy boost

Follow Favy to learn more about the latest in the world of coffee. 

About the Author

Content Writer

Ru Chen

Content Writer

Ru Chen is a content writer with several years of experience in creating engaging and well-researched articles. She mostly writes about coffee, business, digital marketing, and law. In her free time, she can be found watching horror movies and playing board games with her partner in Brooklyn.

Ru Chen is a content writer with several years of experience in creating engaging and well-researched articles. She mostly writes about coffee, business, digital marketing, and law. In her free time, she can be found watching horror movies and playing board games with her partner in Brooklyn.