Atlas Coffee Peru Amazonas Blend


Bryan Huynh

on October 15, 2024

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Peru Amazonas Blend is a great tasting, cozy, and creative coffee. All of their blends are excellent at creating the perfect experience for any kind of morning, taking you from the comfort of your bed to the comforts of your living room, or even to a whole new place.

Peru is one of the world's fastest growing coffee producing countries. A significant part of Peru's rapid development may be traced to the country's perfect coffee-growing climate. Over 75% of the coffee produced in Peru is shade grown at high altitude and hand-picked by smaller batch growers, offering it some of the most demanded coffees around the world. Check out our Coffee Club page to compare and read reviews of our favorite coffee clubs!

Coffee Background 

The northern Andes of Peru are lush, humid, and steep, acting as a sort of visceral barrier between the drier Pacific sides and the cavernous and rain-forested flats of the Amazon jungle just on the eastern side. The height and microclimate of the mountains here are diverse. Coffee has been a strong presence throughout the region for decades, and the northern departments of Cajamarca, Amazonas, and Piura are well-established in the market for their certified cooperatives representing several thousand smallholder growers, in addition to the region's high quality potential.

Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP) is a small and concentrated northern Peruvian cooperative that manages coffee from over 300 farmer associates. Founded in 2003, the cooperative was created with 35 local producers in the Lonya Grande region,  which is part of the larger Amazonas department, and it currently covers coffee growers throughout the Amazonas highlands along with the nearby Cajamarca department. JUMARP has made a name for the "El Palto" terroir, named after the highlands that surround Lonya Grande, and was also one of the first cooperatives to successfully process coffee outside of the traditional fully-washed standard. Today, they frequently provide natural and honey processing lots, most of which come from single farmers within the company.

About Peru Amazonas Blend

Cupping Profile

  • Roast: City
  • Body: Medium
  • Brightness: Acidity #6
  • Flavor Notes: Toffee, Chocolate

Origin Information

  • Grower: Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP)
  • Altitude: 1,650 masl
  • Soil: Clay loam
  • Region: Lonya Grande, Amazonas, Peru
  • Process: Washed
  • Harvest: April - September
  • Varietals: Caturra, Catimor, Typica
  • Certification: Organic

Cupping Scores

Published by the Specialty Coffee Association of America, the average cupping score was 86/100 for this blend.

The Cupping Form allows you to note the following coffee flavor qualities: Fragrance/Aroma, Flavor, Aftertaste, Acidity, Body, Balance, Uniformity, Clean Cup, Sweetness, Defects, and Overall. These are evaluated on a 16-point scale indicating quality levels in quarter-point increments ranging from 6 to 9. To score your coffee, go through each specific flavor attribute and mark the points based on your own personal appraisal. 

Quality Scale

  • Good: 6-6:75
  • Very good: 7 - 7.75
  • Excellent: 8 - 8.75
  • Outstanding: 9 - 9.75

The Final Score is calculated by adding the individual scores for each of the key criteria in the "Total Score" box. Defects are then subtracted from the “Total Score” to arrive at a “Final Score.” The Scoring Key below has shown to be an effective technique to represent the range of coffee quality for the Final Score.

Total Score Quality Classification

  • Outstanding: 90-100
  • Excellent: 85-89.99
  • Very Good: 80-84.99
  • Good: <80

(Outstanding, excellent, and very good are considered Specialty coffee, while anything below that is not.)


Tasting Notes: A beautiful and fresh coffee that ranges from medium to dark roast. A reliable everyday drinker. The cup has medium to low acidity, some jazzy more flowery tones at the lighter roast points, some chocolate element to balance but leans on the more nutty side of things, nice to drink and crisper but not unduly acidic. Medium roasts and higher yield a smooth and rich cup, more chocolatey than nutty, with a peanut brittle-like tone, not quite candy-like, more peanut than brittle, which we all agreed was a suitable descriptor. Dark roasts make the cup chocolatey, keep the sweet edge, and a couple even observed a flowery touch.

Roasting Notes: It's simple to roast and tastes best around a full city roast (strong medium). It's not a coffee with a lot of acidity, however it does have some if you roast it lightly. Low acidity will be present in medium and darker roasts. Set-up aids in achieving a really smooth cup - by day two, the cup had come together well and was quite pleasant and creamy by day four. The vast majority of coffee produced in Peru comes from small farms owned and managed by individuals who have for many years used organic farm management practices that are in keeping with their cultural connection to the land. Producers and JUMARP's employees often grow coffee on a few acres of land intercropped with shade trees, fruits, and vegetables. Small producers are generally quite particular about harvesting and sorting their cherries before depulping, fermenting, washing, and drying the coffee using their own equipment and site. While farmers tailor farm management and post-harvest solutions to their specific needs, they also require a solid commercial relationship to get their coffee to the worldwide market and earn fair pricing, whether the coffees are blended or sold separately.

What Are The Pros of This Coffee?

  1. Full-bodied notes of toffee, caramel, and chocolate rich 
  2. Medium to low acidity
  3. Sustainability
  4. Antioxidants and vitamin benefits

What Makes the Peru Amazonas Blend Special?

The Peru Amazonas Blend is a dark roasted organic coffee. It's made with only the highest quality coffee beans and it's 100% traceable to its origin. The flavor of this blend will bring a smile to your face every time you drink it. This unique blend is also smooth and creamy, which means that it’s great for an after dinner treat or anytime throughout the day when you want something comforting. The flavors of this blend will definitely take you to a distant place, and make you feel relaxed. It’s smooth, sweet and earthy with enough chocolate in it to make it taste like a dessert.

Why Choose Peru Amazonas Blend?

Peru Amazonas Blend is a delicious and creative coffee. If you love Ethiopia and Colombia, this one is definitely for you. It's very different from most coffees in the sense that it’s very smooth and creamy with a sweet chocolate finish. The aftertaste is so unique that it’s hard to describe, but the best way to put it is "sunset on the jungle". It's so smooth and creamy that you won't even think of it as an Ethiopian Coffee. Moreover, if you love a medium roast with a light body, this is the perfect choice for you! This blend has the following flavors: Pepper and Almond, Sweet Spice and Guava, with a savory finish.

The coffee is smooth and velvety, with notes of creamy chocolate. There are subtle hints of black pepper and a roasty flavor and a bit of smokiness. It has a rich sweetness and a sweet finish that lingers on your palate. The characteristics of this blend are all very unique and stand out from the other blends.

Ways to Enjoy Peru Amazonas Blend 

Peru Amazonas Blend is specifically designed for the French Press. Most of their blends are best suited for the French Press or pour over methods. This delicious blend can be brewed between 195 and 205 degrees. The grind should be medium, which is right in between drip and espresso grind size. It's important to use about 11 grams of coffee for every half a liter of water.


If you are looking for an organic certified coffee bean, look no further! The Peru Amazonas Blend is full of distinct and nuanced flavors that are unique to the growing areas and the country. This balanced brew provides vital elements of an extraordinary coffee as a robust and sweet cup. The well-balanced body and sharp acidity make this an excellent cup of coffee to start up your mornings.

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About the Author

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh

Product Tester & Writer

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.

Bryan Huynh is a determined Product Tester & Writer. Being a coffee addict, it is only right that he mainly tests and reviews different coffee from around the world and coffee subscription services.